Release your most fabulous self darling!

Empowerment workshops with sass

book a bitch

Drag Energy is a playful and inspiring series of embodiment workshops and mentorship to empower people to live their most fabulous authentic lives. Give yourself the permission to be as fabulous as fuck babe!

It’s incredible how something so incredibly simple like walking can be so profoundly deep and fun. Jay has an amazing energy and is extremely generous in inspiring others to connect with that energy in themselves.
Skinship collective, Berlin
This Drag Energy community represents the future I believe in, where we are connected to ourselves, our bodies, eachother, in a way that lifts us up and leaves no one behind.
Binaca, Berlin
Jay is a total energy bomb!
Melanie Bonajo, Berlin
Thanks Jazbazmaz for bringing such a safe space for everyone to experiment and be comfortable.
Minu, Berlin
Jay's Drag Energy Workshops are beautiful safe spaces for everybody that wants to unleash their inner Diva, Drag Queen, Slut or whatever needs to be released. I always felt empowered and fierce and was able to take those energies home with me afterwards. Thank you Jay ❤️
Sarah, Berlin
If you ever feel down, not present or just wanna try something that is outside your comfort zone - then this workshop is for you!
Nico, Berlin

next up

Aug 17


Time: 12.00 - 14.00 - Location: Cafe Engels - Herrfurthstraße 21, 12049 Berlin. Come & get wild with Jazbazmaz Pizzazz for Brunch babes! With a fabulous diva guest star TBA. Expect drag glamour, lip synchs, community & games. Gourmet vegan waffles, mimosas, coffee & more! Tickets €25 only available presale at the venue only! This will sell out so hurry.
More details